

To create health care professionals capable of applying their biochemical knowledge into clinical practice thus helping the society


  1. To encourage the student and faculty learning of biomolecular interactions and their practical applications.
  2. To promote innovative teaching methods
  3. To maintain quality laboratory services by adhering to the implemented ISO standard.
  4. Encourage student and faculty research so as to practice evidence based biochemistry.


To make students understand the scientific basis of the life processes at the molecular level and to orient them towards application of the acquired knowledge in solving clinical problems.


Undergraduate Teaching

  1. Understanding the molecular structure, function and inter-relationship of biomolecules and consequences of deviation from normal.
  2. Describe the digestion and assimilation of nutrients and consequences of malnutrition and its diagnosis
  3. Integrate the various aspects of metabolism and their associated imbalances
  4. Understanding mechanisms involved in maintenance/ abnormalities with acid-base, fluid and electrolyte homeostasis.
  5. Outline the molecular mechanisms of gene expression and its regulation, the principles of molecular techniques and their application
  6. Analyzing Clinical Biochemistry data and using it in diagnosing the diseases.

Postgraduate Teaching

  1. Developing skills in performing recent investigations and procedures for patients, documentation of records, critically analyzing relevant published literature in order to practice evidence based biochemistry.
  2. Function as a productive member of a team engaged in health care research and education.
  3. Adopting good laboratory practices and developing skills in producing accurate timely and cost effective diagnostic services to the patients


  1. Maintaining high standards of practice through sound judgment in establishing, performing and evaluating laboratory tests.
  2. Ensuring total customer satisfaction by providing customized, cost effective, accurate and timely diagnostic services.
  3. Familiarizing and adhering to  established organizational policies and procedures
  4. Continuous improvement of laboratory performance by monitoring proficiency testing results, training and upgrading of skills through CME programs, second and third party audits and benchmarking

Implementing a quality system in compliance with appropriate standards.