Community Medicine


To become a centre of excellence in community medicine for teaching, research and service.


  • To provide high quality education to medical students.
  • To produce professionally superior and ethically strong public health specialists.
  • To conduct research on health problems for finding out suitable solutions.
  • To improve community health through service, education, effective communication and inter-sectoral coordination.

Under Graduate Teaching


To prepare them to function as effective primary health care physicians.


  • To identify and manage common health problems in the community.
  • To perform as an effective team leader in the health care delivery system of India and to implement national health programs.
  • To investigate an outbreak/epidemic and take appropriate control measures.
  • To conduct basic epidemiological research.
  • To identity environmental and occupational hazards and to suggest appropriate preventive measures.
  • To be an effective communicator and health educator.

Post Graduate Teaching


To prepare competent public health specialists.


  • To apply public health skills to assess the health problems, analyse and provide solutions.
  • To Plan, implement and evaluate national health policy & programmes.
  • To be a competent teacher and trainer for undergraduate students and healthcare workers.
  • To investigate public health threats, emergencies and take appropriate control measures.
  • To conduct ethically sound epidemiological research with appropriate bio-statistical methods.
  • To analyse occupational and environmental hazards and to take preventive measures.
  • To be an effective community health leader, communicator and health educator.