General Medicine


  • To make  the  department  of  Medicine  an exemplary model of academic  excellence  and  to  provide  optimum care  at  minimal cost.


  • To enable and empower every Medical student to practice the art & science of General Medicine.
  • To provide superior quality, evidence based holistic health care services to the patients.

Undergraduate Goals & Objectives


The broad goal is to acquire the knowledge, skills and behavioral attributes to function effectively, as the first contact physician.


At the end of the course the student shall be able to

  1. Diagnose and manage common clinical disorders among adults & geriatric patients with special reference to infectious diseases and nutritional disorders, tropical and environmental diseases.
  1. Provide first level management of acute emergencies promptly and efficiently and decide the timing and level of referral, if required.

Post Graduate Goals & Objectives


The goal of MD (Gen. Med) course is to produce a astute consultant physician who is aware of the contemporary advances and developments in medical sciences.


At the end of the MD course in Gen. Medicine, the student should be able to

  1. Diagnose medical illnesses clinically, investigate appropriately, provide holistic humane care and counsel regarding prevention.
  2. Develop skills as a self-directed lifelong learner, use technology to update oneself and to practice evidence-based medicine