

To emerge as a leading destination for providing service, training and research activities in the field of clinical microbiology to alleviate suffering from microbial infection.


  • To provide learner centered health care education.
  • To provide superior quality diagnostic services to patient with infectious diseases.
  • To conduct research activities on microbial infection and translate it into practice.


At the end of the course, MBBS student should be able to

  • List the common infectious diseases and their etiopathogenesis.
  • Describe the mechanism of immunity to infections.
  • Collect appropriate clinical samples and transport promptly to laboratory.
  • Decide suitable antimicrobial agent for treatment of infections and apply scope of immunotherapy and different vaccines available for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Apply methods of disinfection, sterilization and biomedical waste disposal to control and prevent hospital and community acquired infections.
  • Recommend laboratory investigations regarding bacteriological examination of food, water, milk and air.
  • Plan and interpret laboratory investigations for diagnosis of infectious diseases and correlate the clinical manifestations with etiological agents.
  • Perform commonly employed bed side tests for detection of infectious agents such as blood films for malaria, filaria, Gram staining, Acid Fast staining and stool sample for ova and cysts.
  • Use correct method of collection, storage and transport of clinical material for microbiological investigations.
  • Understand infectious diseases of national importance in relation to clinical, therapeutic and preventive aspects.
  • Follow standard precautions during health care activities.
  • Identify and report Notifiable diseases to concerned public health authorities.

At the end of the course, MD Microbiology student should be able to

  • Undertake teaching assignment of Microbiology.
  • Establish diagnostic Microbiology laboratory facility.
  • Perform surveillance of hospital acquired infections and contribute towards formulation of guidelines for infection control and antibiotic stewardship.
  • Investigate outbreaks in the hospital and formulate preventive guidelines.

Conduct research activities in various branches of medicine involving microbiological work.