


To create competent professionals equipped for practice of evidence based medicine


To inculcate a rational & scientific basis of therapeutics


To ensure that the student has knowledge about the drugs and their practical application in clinical practice


  • To understand the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential and commonly used drugs.
  • List the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of commonly used drugs
  • Indicate the use of appropriate drug in a particular disease with consideration to its cost, efficacy and safety for
  • Individual needs

(ii) Mass therapy under national health programmes

  • Indicate causations in prescription of drugs in special medical situations such as pregnancy, lactation, infancy and old age.
  • Integrate the concept of rational drug therapy in clinical pharmacology and understand the principles underlying the concept of essential drugs.
  • Evaluate the ethics and modalities involved in the development and introduction of new drugs.



To create competent professionals equipped in the basis of therapeutics, drug      development , cutting edge research and  innovative teaching


To train the medical graduate to be an effective leader of a health team engaged in education, health care, research or industry


To train a medical graduate to be a Pharmacologist who is well versed with the basic principles of Pharmacology and is up to date with the recent advances.

  • To arouse a spirit of scientific reasoning and inquiry
  • To provide orientation to the principles of research methodology and epidemiology
  • Acquisition of skills related to teaching.


  • To acquire knowledge of basic and applied pharmacology
  • To understand the basis of drug regulations, clinical research and pharmacotherapeutics
  • Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and epidemiology,
  • Design and implement research projects including basic invivo , invitro experiments on small animals and human studies in concurrence with relevant ethical guidelines.
  • Perform drug assays, therapeutic drug monitoring and manage adverse drug reaction reporting and causality assessment.
  • Develop skills in using educational methods and techniques as applicable to the teaching of medical/nursing students and paramedical health workers.
  • Develop medical writing skills and be able to critically analyze relevant published research literature.

Demonstrate ability to build, lead and work in a team maintaining good interpersonal relationships with effective communication skills.