

To create a department that ensures academic and research excellence among faculty and students, and empower the students to succeed the challenges of medical profession


To increase the pass percentage to  90%

  • To increase the number of distinctions
  • To achieve 100% attendance among students
  • To facilitate the use of modern techniques for better understanding of concepts
  • To conduct extra classes for slow learners so that sufficient time is available for making the student understand the physiological basis of clinical aspects
  • To ensure that all faculty members update the recent advances in physiology by attending work shops, conferences and CME s on regular basis


  • To provide a strong basic foundation for understanding the physiological concepts behind various clinical entities
  • To encourage and provide opportunities for independent research among faculty members and to provide foundation for research   among  the students
  • To facilitate innovative teaching ,learning methods in the department
  • To improve presentation skills and build confidence among the students through  tutorials and seminars
  • To involve the students in research and encourage them  for paper presentations and publications
  • To develop and improve reasoning  and thinking abilities among the students through MCQs ,group discussions and framing of  mind maps
  • To ensure that the department emerges as a strong link between Basic sciences and Medicine

Post Graduate  Teaching


 The Postgraduate course in M.D. Physiology should enable a medical graduate to be:

  1. A competent Physiologist.
  2. A good medical teacher in Physiology, Practicing the required skills of teaching.


  1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of general and systemic Physiology.
  2. Comprehend and understand physiological basis of health and disease affecting various organ systems.
  3. Select and use appropriate teaching techniques and resources.
  4. Critically evaluate published journal literature and to effectively use the library facilities including computer, C.D. Rom and satelite search.
  5. Carryout relevant research.
  6. Function as an effective member of teaching team or research team.
  7. Carryout professional obligations ethically and keeping in view national health policy.

Under Graduate Teaching


The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Physiology aims at providing the student comprehensive knowledge of the normal functions of the organ systems of the body to facilitate an understanding of the physiological basis of health and disease6


  1. Knowledge At the end of the course the student will be able to:
  1. Explain the normal functioning of all the organs systems and their interactions for well coordinated total body function
  2. Assess the relative contribution of each organ system to the maintenance of the milieu interior
  3. Elucidate the physiological aspects of normal growth and development;
  4. Describe the physiological response and adaptations to environmental stresses;
  5. List physiological principles underlying pathogenesis and treatment of disease
  • Skills At the end of the course the student shall be able to:
  1. Conduct experiments designed for study of physiological phenomena;
  2. Interpret experimental/investigative data;
  3. Distinguish between normal abnormal data derived as a result of tests, which he/she has performed and observed in the laboratory.
  • Integration At the end of the integrated teaching the student shall acquire an integrated knowledge of organ structure and function and the regulatory mechanisms.